Our first time asking.

First, thank you for being our supporter. We are proud of how far we have come since we formed as an education and advocacy organization focused on transportation and infrastructure following the appointment of Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 

100% volunteer-powered, our purpose is connecting Americans to the U.S. DOT.  This year we were accepted by the U.S. DOT as an official Allies in Action partner and also published our book Ronda Loves Roundabouts. As an Ally, our focus is on road user education with our beloved mascot Ronda leading the way.  Your support has made this possible.

We Invite You to Become an Official Builder!

This is our first appeal to you for financial support. Our new book has far exceeded our expectations. We have been approached by municipalities to use our book and Ronda in their educational efforts. To do this, we need legal contracts and licensing agreements created, as well as having our book officially copyrighted.

We're asking you to consider making a donation to help us address our licensing needs, and provide support to help bring our book and the work of Build the Era to the next level.

We will recognize you as one of our Official Builders on our website and you'll be helping us get our message of road safety and education to more people.

Items to keep in mind:

Build The Era is 100% volunteer-powered — there are no salaried or paid positions.

To date, Board members have paid for all of our operational overhead, such as website hosting, email blast host, Slack subscriptions, and so on, out of pocket.

Build The Era is not a public charity at this time, so your donation is not tax deductible.

We sincerely appreciate the support and encouragement you've provided. We wouldn’t be here without you.

PS: We encourage you to review our most recent Annual Report to learn more about what we've accomplished.